C'est après une bonne soirée dans un petit café waterlootois que je suis rentrée chez moi et que j'y ai découvert une lettre. Courrier venant tout droit d'Australie...AAAAAhhhhhh enfin!
Dear Laure,
We would be very pleased to welcome you to Moreton Bay College as an assistant teacher of French. Our French program is strong, starting in Year 6 (second last year of primary school) and continuing into Year 12 (final year of secondary school). We would love you to assist at all these levels, with a range of activities decided upon by the French teachers, Mesdames Ritchie, Barnett and Browning and yourself as useful and relevant (for example, singing songs, teaching poetry, culture, French cooking, discussing French current affairs and issues concerning French youth, assisting students with oral practice such as presentations, dialogues, interviews, revision of vocabulary etc.) If time permits, you may be asked to assist in other areas at the school, including co-curricular activities (sport, cultural events) and events in the evening. Ideally this will fit in with your interests and we trust if you are enthusiastic, flexible and positive you will enjoy yourself immensely.
Two families have expressed an interest in hosting you, but they need to confirm this in writing to be considered. However, as the school year ends this Friday 25 november 2005, we may not be able to confirm the details of your host family until the start of the school year in January.
Accommodation and meals, at home and at the school, will be provided, as will transport to and from school. You will receive a weekly allowance of 50 - 100 AUD for food and transportation.
The school will make arrangements for you to be met at Brisbane Airport upon your arrival. If a host family has not been found by the start of school 16 January 2005, you will stay with Madame Ritchie the Head of French. She or the Nacel Coordinator in Queensland, Mrs Patricia Clunes will meet you at the airport.
It is advisable to arrive in Brisbane a few days before school starts, to settle into your new role. Please confirm your flight details to the school and to Madame Ritchie at annabelleritchie@optusnet.com.au as soon as possible.
For more information on Moreton Bay College, please visit the College's website on www.mbc.qld.edu.au. Staff members must wear smart casual dress at all times. Jeans, short skirts/dresses, midriff tops, and low-cut revealing clothing are not permitted. The climate in Brisbane in January is hot and humid, so light summer clothing is preferable. The cooler season sets in around May.
Smoking and alcohol are not permitted at the College.
We look forward to your arrival and hope that you find your stay in Australia and at Moreton Bay College a fruitful and enjoyable experience.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Geoff McLay
Acting Principal
Voilàààà un peu plus de détails en ce qui concerne l'école...pour la famille...encore un peu de patience...
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